Centre for Agricultural Research & Extension Services

Who We Are

CARES was established in February 2017 sequel to the merger of Centre for Agricultural Research & Food Security and Agricultural Extension Outreach Centre’

Administrative and Support Staffs

Dr. B.G. Muktar

Director CARES

Dr. Ado Nasiru

Deputy Director

Dr. G.T. Ahungwa

Food Security Research

Dr. Bello O. Gafar

Adaptive Research

Dr. M. O. Orifah

Co-coordinator - M & E

Dr. Umar Makinta

Development initiatives

Our Mission

To strengthen the structural base for sustainable agricultural development and enhance food and nutrition security at the local, national and regional levels.

Our Vission

To be a regional hub for action-research and extension delivery under an ecologically sound and sustainable agriculture for improve livelihoods and capacity building.

Our Mandate

The overall aim of the CARES is to strengthen the structural base in terms of agricultural research and extension with a view to making it more responsive to the yearnings and aspirations of farmers and other stakeholders within and outside the university.